Why Carry Out An Audit?

We believe that the most important first step in improving FM, and certainly before any major decisions are made, is to carry out an Audit.
This will clearly and graphically identify where you stand against your competitors, the different ways forward, and give a full set of costed recommendations.

How does an audit work?
In our audit we are looking at four areas:

1. How does your FM process work?
How do you decide what work gets done? How do you decide on contractors?
How do you communicate with customers and contractors?
Which sites are priorities and why. Budgets and budgeting.
Finance process (invoicing, cut-off dates, accruals etc). Where do sites phone to request work?
Out of hours office arrangements. Software and reports. Job limits and quotes.
2. Compliance
How are contractors vetted?
Managing work on-site.
Overall compliance with Health and Safety regulations.
Lease and other obligations.
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3. Service

How good is your overall level of service?
What do the internal customers think of your overall service?
How do you monitor contractors service?

4. Cost

How good is your overall value for money?
How do you procure services?
How do you stay within budget?
Does your customer think that you provide value for money?
Can we identify potential cost savings?
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Facilities Audits: The Stages
Stage 1
Review of existing services. Service levels. Costs. Budgets. Compliance.
Site inspections. Understanding your process/operation.
Contractors/service providers. Finance rules. Internal stakeholders.
Produce a report and recommendations.
Stage 2
Recommendations. Potential cost savings.
Process changes.
Compliance position.
Service enhancements.
Stage 3
Implementation of report.
Deliver objectives (cost, compliance, service levels and process).
Stage 4
Ongoing review.
Ensuring changes are permanent.
Identifying new trends/issues/threats.